About/Contact SNCA

The Saline Northview Condominium Association consists of 252 single-family homes in the Northview subdivision in Saline, Michigan. Our non-profit corporation is administered by a five-member volunteer Board of Directors elected by the Association’s co-owners at annual meetings held in October. Here is the current Board and contact information:

Current Board Members

  • President – John Turck
  • Vice President – Joanna Kokkales
  • Treasurer – Bill Olson
  • Secretary – Dan Pasiak
  • Director (and Snow Captain) – Scott Rentschler

Contact Information

The Board members are unpaid volunteers with jobs, families, and other responsibilities. We will do our best to respond to emails as quickly as possible, but please allow for a reasonable response time.

Prospective purchasers, co-owners, lessees and other interested parties should read the Association’s Consolidated Master Deed, Bylaws, and other documents available here.

When should I contact the Board?

Feel free to contact the Board …

  • With questions regarding real estate , mortgage, and title matters, including general Association information and the payment status of a particular unit
  • To report violations of the Bylaws (although please try to resolve the matter amicably with your neighbor before filing a complaint with the Board)
  • With questions or complaints regarding snow removal
  • To ask that an item be placed on a meeting agenda
  • With questions about getting the required prior approval for landscaping changes, fences, outbuildings, home additions, etc. (first read the Bylaws and these guidelines)
  • With any other questions about Saline Northview

You are welcome to send snail mail to P.O. Box 626, Saline, Michigan 48176. However, we do not check the Post Office box every day, and will be able to reply to you more quickly if you contact us by email.