Snow Info

Snow removal this year will again be handled by the same contractor as last year, Boswell Lawn Service. Updates will be posted here and also on our Facebook Group (Saline Northview Condominium Association). Please send snow removal questions to [email protected] Please keep your driveways clear of vehicles if you would like them cleared. This is due to the risk of damage to vehicles from the snow equipment. Please also mark the corners of your driveways and along the sidewalk so that turf damage can be minimized. The snow contract provides that the contractor is not responsible for damage caused by unmarked driveways and sidewalks. Snow is cleared from sidewalks when the depth is 1 inch or more and from driveways when the depth is 2 inches or more. As we are a large neighborhood, clearing all driveways does take some time so please be patient. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us via an email to the board (as listed above).