Category Archives: announcement

Community Garage Sale

Saline Northview Community Garage Sale will be August 1st 2015.

Do you have some items hanging around the house that you would like to change into cash?  Here is your chance.  Join with your neighbors August 1st.  Community Garage Sales really pulls in the customers so don’t miss your chance at this opportunity.

You can now pay your 2015 dues with PayPal or a Credit Card

Please return your member form even if you use the pay with charge card feature.

We have noticed that the incorrect pdf files was used to print your member letter.  Please let us know If you would like to review a corrected copy of the actual budget.

The board is planning bigger and better things for your website.  To start things off a new payment feature has been added.  If you would prefer to use PayPal or a credit card to make your 2015 Dues Payment a new menu item was added to the top of the page.  Select Payment from the menu to access this new feature.  Please be patient if you experience any snags with check out.  The board wanted to offer this today but the available time was very short.  The decision was made that it was just too nice of a feature to wait another whole year before it was offered to owners.  It was tested but it is still a bit crude in appearance.  We would love to hear any ideas for improvement.

A PayPal account is not required to complete your payment.  The guest checkout system allowed us to offer this service.  The board envisions that this website will grow into the a communication tool.  We want to make it easy for everyone to have access to all of Happenings Here at Northview. 

Assessments now past due date

Northview’s 2014 annual assessment notice, mailed in December, indicated a due date of January 31 for the $145 payment. The vast majority of our 252 co-owners have responded in time, which we appreciate.

The remaining units are now considered in delinquency. Late fees of $10 per month apply as of February 1, continuing until the total balance owed is received. Further enforcement actions as permitted by our by-laws may ensue. If you are a co-owner of a unit and have not yet paid the assessment, please do so promptly to avoid the considerable additional expense and inconvenience of enforcement actions. Feel free to contact the treasurer if you have any questions or special circumstances concerning your unit’s obligation.

The assessment notice included questions about the unit’s designated owners, occupancy, and mortgagee, if any. This information is sought pursuant to the by-laws, so please keep the administrative burdens and expenses of your association low by filling out the form completely and accurately and including it with your payment.

Assessment payments due January 31

Northview’s annual assessment mailing was sent a week ago, and by now all unit owners should have received it. In fact, we have already gotten payments from 22 of our 252 units. Thanks to you prompt responders!

The board is glad to announce a $25 reduction in this year’s annual assessment. Each unit is responsible for contributing $145 toward the administration of the association. The mailing included our 2013 financial statement and 2014 budget, as well as an informational letter from the board.

Payments are due by January 31, 2014, after which late fees and additional enforcement actions may apply. The assessment notice includes questions about the unit’s designated owners, occupancy, and mortgagee, if any. This information is sought pursuant to the by-laws, so please keep the administrative burdens and expenses of your association low by filling out the form completely and accurately.

Feel free to contact the treasurer or another board member with any questions or concerns about the assessment and mailing.