You can now pay your 2015 dues with PayPal or a Credit Card

Please return your member form even if you use the pay with charge card feature.

We have noticed that the incorrect pdf files was used to print your member letter.  Please let us know If you would like to review a corrected copy of the actual budget.

The board is planning bigger and better things for your website.  To start things off a new payment feature has been added.  If you would prefer to use PayPal or a credit card to make your 2015 Dues Payment a new menu item was added to the top of the page.  Select Payment from the menu to access this new feature.  Please be patient if you experience any snags with check out.  The board wanted to offer this today but the available time was very short.  The decision was made that it was just too nice of a feature to wait another whole year before it was offered to owners.  It was tested but it is still a bit crude in appearance.  We would love to hear any ideas for improvement.

A PayPal account is not required to complete your payment.  The guest checkout system allowed us to offer this service.  The board envisions that this website will grow into the a communication tool.  We want to make it easy for everyone to have access to all of Happenings Here at Northview.